Helpful Tips for Taking Your Child to an ENT Doctor for Ear Infections

Knowing that your child has an ear infection can be heartbreaking; after all, as a parent, the last thing that you probably want is for your child to experience discomfort and pain. If your child gets a lot of ear infections, then it can be upsetting and troubling for the entire family. You might have already taken your child to the pediatrician each time that they have had an ear infection, but you might be ready to try something else.

Taking your child to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor for ear infections can be a good idea, but you'll probably want to know about the tips listed below.

Ask Your Child's Pediatrician

First of all, if you have not taken your child to the pediatrician lately—or if you have not told your child's pediatrician that you are hoping to take your little one to a specialist -- then it might not be a bad idea to schedule an appointment with your child's regular doctor. Depending on the policies at the ENT doctor's office and depending on your child's health insurance, you might be required to have a referral from your child's pediatrician before you can schedule an appointment. Additionally, your child's regular doctor needs to know about all of the treatment that your child receives, even from specialists. Plus, you might find that your child's doctor can give a great recommendation about a pediatric ENT doctor to work with. 

Look for a Pediatric ENT Doctor 

There are ENT doctors out there who primarily treat adults, and many of these doctors will provide care for children, too. If possible, though, you may want to choose a pediatric ENT doctor. Then, you can make sure that your child is being treated by someone who understands the unique challenges that children face in regards to ear infections. Plus, you can help ensure that you choose a doctor who has experience with working with children and who has the patience to provide your child with the care that they need.

Bring as Much Information as Possible

If your child has never seen a pediatric ENT doctor before, then your child's doctor is going to know very much about your little one's history with ear infections. Knowing as much as possible about the frequency of ear infections, the treatment options that your family and your child's pediatrician have tried, and more can really help the doctor with treating your little one. Therefore, you may want to jot down a few notes and bring along any documentation that you have about your child's ear infections if possible.
